Saturday, January 23, 2016

Example of a Faithful Servant By DeVonne Reed

Example Of A Faithful Servant
By DeVonne Reed

January 23, 2015.
Thinking about my Daddy.

Since, I am a "preachers kid" I was raised in church and I have been in church all of my life. I am called and I am an ordained minister of the gospel. I have worked in ministry for 35 years. To God be the glory! Praise the Lord.

My parents were in ministry for 53 years. During this time, Dad was an evangelist holding revivals, a song leader, a teacher, an intercessor and so much more. However, most of my Dad's service was being a Pastor.

Many times and through many situations, I saw what my Dad dealt with, on a daily basis. Situations that brought him much hurt, bringing him to tears, and many hours of prayer.

As a child, I would be angry when I saw how much pain my Dad endured. I often wondered why he continued to go on. I couldn't understand why, he chose to persevere, instead of throwing in the towel and quitting.
I am thankful, that he was not a quitter! He showed me how to run and finish the race.

Also, through Daddy's life, I learned at an early age the true meaning of this scripture.
Romans 11:29. For the gifts and callings of God are without repentance.

Now, that I am older, I see and understand so much more. It is very clear to me, that My Daddy, truly loved people, with the genuine Love of God! I am grateful for my Dad. He was my first teacher, he was my Pastor.

I love you Daddy. I miss you so much! I Thank God for you!
Thank you for living your life in such a way, that there was no misunderstanding any of your intentions.

Striving to live by your example, since your example was Jesus Christ!

Much Love, DeVonne
D's Heart <3

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